Introducing our dedicated, NEW, Intake Team. - Maple Services
Introducing our dedicated, NEW, Intake Team.

Introducing our dedicated, NEW, Intake Team.

Getting the right structure and balance in any organisation is always a delicate task, particularly with an organisation within the disability industry – where there are so many moving parts, facets and complexities.

As we have preached from the get-go, Maple Community Services is a customer service-focused company – we pride ourselves on our traditional and personalised approach to customer service. Our objective is our client’s successes, and our method is putting our clients and their networks above all else.

When you join Maple, you join knowing you will be able to pick up the phone, dial our number, and talk to the same person, who knows your/your clients like the back of their hand. This is a lost art in many organisations across the aged care and disability sector, and more broadly, but is something Maple regards highly. Because we understand the difference between Customer Service and Call Centre!

So, it is with this approach that we have taken the exciting step to introduce a brand new, devoted, gun-of-a Intake Team to assist our clients and their networks with the pivotal step of joining Maple, feeling welcomed, and setting up the foundation for a successful relationship.

Maple Community Service's Intake Flow.

Try Maple and experience just how satisfying it is to call a number, and hear a similar voice who knows you, your situation, and your needs.

If you have a referral or want to chat about how we have changed up our structure to ensure the smoothest process for you, and your clients – then please reach out on our dedicated intake email –