What can you spend your NDIS funding on - Maple Services
What can you spend your NDIS funding on

What can you spend your NDIS funding on

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia provides funding to support people living with disabilities. This funding is designed to help you achieve your goals and improve your quality of life. But the types of supports that will help you to do that will depend on what your goals are.

You can spend your NDIS funding on your various needs, including daily living assistance, community participation, therapies, and specialised equipment. Your funding can cover personal care, transport, assistive technology, and home modifications. Funds also aid in skills-building and achieving personal goals. It’s tailored to enhance independence and quality of life.

At Maple, we can help you find the best supports that align with your personal needs and goals in the most professional and personable way. Our mission is to empower you to lead a meaningful and fulfilling life, proudly achieving and building upon your abilities every step of the way.  

What can I spend my NDIS funding on?

How to spend NDIS funding will greatly relate to the type of supports that will help you live a more fulfilling and independent life as indicated in your NDIS plan. These types of supports are categorised under three distinct headings:

1. Core Supports

Core supports help you with your day-to-day activities, personal care, and support. This category is very flexible, and you can choose how to spend your funds to best meet your needs. It includes:

  • Assistance with daily living – help with personal activities like bathing, dressing, and meal preparation. 
  • Transport – Support for travel to work, school, or community activities.
  • Consumables – Everyday items like continence aids or low-cost assistive technology.
  • Assistance with social and community participation – This could be support during travel to these activities and support throughout your time or help you to set up and arrange social outings.  

2. Capacity Building Supports

Capacity building supports help you to build skills and independence in various areas. The funding in this category is generally allocated to specific goals. It can include:

  • Support coordination – Help to understand and use your NDIS plan.
  • Improved living arrangements – Support to find  and maintain appropriate housing.
  • Increased social and community participation – Development of skills to participate in community, social and leisure activities.
  • Finding and keeping a job – Assistance to find and retain employment through learning new skill sets, as well as support for school leavers.
  • Improved relationships – Support to develop positive behaviours and interact with others.
  • Improved health and well being – Activities related to your health, such as personal training, exercise programs or learning to cook healthy meals.
  • Improved learning – Support with further education and training. 
  • Improved life choices – Help with plan management to use your NDIS funding effectively.
  • Improved daily living – Therapy, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy.

3. Capital Supports

Capital supports provide funding for high-cost pieces of assistive technology and modifications to your home or vehicle. This funding is generally not flexible and is allocated for specific purposes in your NDIS plan. It  can include:

  • Assistive technology – Equipment or devices to help you with mobility, communication, or daily tasks. This can include wheelchairs, communication devices, or bathing apparatus. 
  • Home modifications – Changes to your home to make it more accessible, such as installing ramps, rails, or bathroom modifications. 
  • Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) – Funding for housing solutions that cater to people with high support needs.

How do you find support using your NDIS funding?

Finding and accessing support using your NDIS funding involves defining the types of support that will help you reach your goals. You can then research or work with your support coordinator to reach out to service providers who align with your needs. There are several steps to help you find support using your NDIS funding:

Understanding your NDIS plan

Start by thoroughly reviewing the details of your NDIS plan. Know your goals, the types of support funding and any specific allocations. Identify which categories of support (Core, Capacity Building, or Capital) your funding falls under and what you can spend it on. 

Determine your needs and goals

Make a list of the types of support you require, such as daily living assistance, therapy or equipment. Define your personal goals, such as improving your independence, finding employment, or participating in community activities.

Explore available supports

Check the NDIS Provider Finder on the NDIS website for lists of registered providers in your area. Your Local Area Coordinators (LAC’s) can also help you understand your plan and connect you with local services and supports.

If your plan includes funding for support coordination, a Support Coordinator can assist you in finding and organising services that align with your goals.

Research and compare providers

Make use of online platforms and directories such as the NDIS Provider Finder, MyCareSpace and Clickability to compare providers. Look for reviews and ratings from other NDIS participants to gauge the quality and reliability of providers and seek recommendations from other NDIS participants, community groups, or disability organisations.

Contact and evaluate providers

Reach out to potential providers to discuss your needs and see if they can meet your requirements. Inquire about their experience with NDIS participants, their services, availability, and costs. If possible, arrange a trial period or introductory session to see if the provider is a good fit for you.

Negotiate and plan your supports

You can negotiate and sign service agreements with your chosen providers outlining the support they will provide, their costs, and other essential terms. Ensure that the services fit within your NDIS budget and funding allocations. Make sure your providers can offer flexibility in their services to adapt to your evolving needs.

Utilise online platforms and apps

You can use apps and other online tools that are designed to help NDIS participants manage their plans and connect with providers. Examples of this include MyPlan Manager and Carer Gateway. You can also join online communities and forums where NDIS participants share experiences and advice on finding support. 

Monitor and review your supports

It’s important to regularly review your support to ensure they continue to meet your needs and help you achieve your goals. You can provide feedback to your providers to help them improve and discuss any necessary changes you might need. 

Constantly prepare for your NDIS plan review which typically takes place once a year, depending on your NDIS plan. Evaluate what has worked well and what adjustments might be needed for future plans.

Why choose Maple as your service provider?

Choosing Maple as your NDIS service provider means partnering with a team dedicated to your unique needs and goals. Our expertise in Support Coordination and Plan Management ensures you navigate the NDIS landscape with ease. With years of experience, we excel at connecting you with the right support and managing your NDIS funding effectively. 

Maple stands out for our deep commitment to personalised care and proven success in supporting NDIS participants. We tailor our services to your individual circumstances, ensuring your goals are at the forefront of everything we do. Join the Maple family and experience a partnership where your success and well-being are our top priorities.

At Maple, you receive more than just service – you get personalised attention and a dedicated care team that knows you by name and works tirelessly to help you achieve your goals.