Disability Scholarship Program

Maple Scholarship Program

Developing and Growing the Disability & Youth Sphere in Australia.

Want to excel your future with the support of Maple?

Developing & Growing the Disability + Youth Sphere in Australia.

Are you studying or planning to study at University, TAFE or a Registered Training Organisation in 2024? Do you have a disability, currently work within the communities services sector under Maple Services, or are a young person between the ages of 12 to 21 years old? If so, then keep reading. Maple Services is proud to award three scholarships to individuals within the community services sphere in Australia. These three scholarships are positioned to provide both the Maple Community as well as the broader community services sector, opportunities for supported education.


The aim of each scholarship is to support an individual's integration into further education. It is known that students with disability and young individuals may have additional obstacles to overcome in accessing education, particularly the additional costs involved, which can be considerable and variable. Additional to this key factor, Maple Services also wants to ensure it is continually giving back to the individuals who have dedicated their lives to the industry and its supporting areas. Hence, we are also opening up a Scholarship to individuals who may not have a disability, but want to contribute more to the industry we work within.

Scholarship Structure

Maple Emerging Talent Scholarship

The Maple Emerging Talent Scholarship is an initiative designed to assist individuals within the Maple Family grow and expand their education. This Scholarship is open to any Maple individual - whether it be staff or client, who has been with the company for more than 3 months.

The Specifics

Maple Equality & Inclusion Scholarship

The Maple Equality and Inclusion Scholarship has been established to help provide people with a disability, greater access to affordable educational opportunities. This Scholarship is open to any individual within the Australian Community who identifies as having a disability.

The Specifics

Maple Youth Empowerment Scholarship

The Maple Youth Empowerment Scholarship has been established to help provide the youth of Australia, greater access to affordable educational opportunities. This Scholarship is open to any individual aged 12 to 21 years old within the Australian Community.

The Specifics

How you can benefit from a Maple Scholarship.

The awarded recipient of each scholarship may use the funds to assist with tertiary study costs such as library and internet charges, purchase of textbooks, on-campus accommodation, transport costs, computer hardware and software, stationery, personal support and scribes/tutors.

Scholarship funds may be used to cover items not covered by the NDIS or other funding schemes. These include:

How to Apply.

Step 1

Read through the Scholarship Guidelines and complete the Pre-Application Checklist for your preferred scholarship to ensure you are eligible.

Step 2

Download and complete the 2024 Maple Scholarship Program Application Form for your selected Scholarship.

Step 3

Submit your Application Form and your supporting documentation by 5pm, 5 January 2024, through the Maple Services Website.

Maple Emerging Talent Scholarship Information

Maple Equality & Inclusion Scholarship Information​

Maple Youth Empowerment Scholarship Information

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Applications will open on September 1, 2023 and close on the 5th of January, 2024.

The Maple Emerging Talent Scholarship is available only to individuals who are part of the Maple Services as either an Employee or a Client. 

The Maple Equality and Inclusion Scholarship is open to all individuals across Australia who identify as having a disability. 

The Maple Youth Empowerment Scholarship is open to all individuals between the ages of 12 and 21 years across Australia. Note: the individual can be 21 year and 11 months. 

The Maple Emerging Talent Scholarship is offering one individual access to $5,000 to assist in their studies. 

The Maple Equality and Inclusion Scholarship is offering one individual access to $5,000 to assist in their studies. 

The Maple Youth Empowerment Scholarship is offering 5 individuals access to $1,000 each to assist them in their studies. 

You can find the Application Form the specific Scholarship Pages on the Maple Community Services Website.

Additionally, you can find a link to the Application Form Here. 

You can submit your Application Form via the Scholarship Application Page on this website. 

The direct link can be found here. 

If you are experiencing difficulties submitting this via the website, please contact admin@mapleservices.com.au

Maple Community Services is aligned to the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 when it comes to defining what a Disability is for the purpose of our Scholarship Program.

The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) defines disability broadly as:

  • total or partial loss of the person’s bodily or mental functions; or
  • total or partial loss of a part of the body; or
  • the presence in the body of organisms causing disease or illness; or
  • the presence in the body of organisms capable of causing disease or illness; or
  • the malfunction, malformation or disfigurement of a part of the person’s body; or
  • a disorder or malfunction that results in the person learning differently from a person without the disorder or malfunction; or
  • a disorder, illness or disease that affects a person’s thought processes, perception of reality, emotions or judgement or that results in disturbed behaviour;

and includes a disability that:

  • presently exists; or
  • previously existed but no longer exists; or
  • may exist in the future (including because of a genetic predisposition to that disability); or
  • is imputed to a person.

To avoid doubt, a disability that is otherwise covered by this definition includes behaviour that is a symptom or manifestation of the disability.

Also note that Maple Community Services reserves the right to a proof of disability upon applying for the scholarship.

You do not need to be an NDIS recipient to apply for the Maple Equality and Inclusion Scholarship.

The minimum time the individual must have been with Maple Services is 3 months.

This Scholarship is open to both Maple Staff as well as Maple Clients. 

Your Scholarship Funds can only be used for the below purchases:

  • Up to 50% of their Scholarship amount to study fees/tuition.
  • Course excursion funds or residential expenses on campus.
  • Carer’s allowance contribution not funded by another source.
  • IT requirements; for example: laptop, computer, hardware / software, voice recognition programs, IT tuition
  • Introductory computer-use training tailored to the specific needs of the individual.
  • Textbooks and reference material (including online resources).
  • Stationery and other study / workplace supplies not provided.
  • Additional support; for example, scribe and typing services.
  • Travel costs up to $500 to cover transport costs to and from place of study.
  • Equipment required for courses and training.
  • Professional fees involved in career counselling / planning, resume services, interview coaching, portfolio development. 

All applicants must be enrolled in study in Australia for 2024.

If a Support Worker is the successful recipient, their studies must be within the following fields:

  • Medicine
  • Aged Care
  • Personal Care
  • Therapies
  • Social Work
  • Psychology
  • Mental Health
  • Social Sciences
  • Community Services
  • Or another category that falls within the medical, health/wellbeing, justice-related or services industry.

Study may be undertaken through any tertiary, TAFE, vocational or registered training (RTO) with a CRICOS or RTO code, or other registration appropriate to the type of organisation.

Courses may be undertaken via face-to-face, external, online, correspondence learning or a combination of these.

For any enquiries, please contact Maple Community Services between Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm:

The Scholarship will be provided to successful individuals in two payments. The first of these payments will be available during January, 2023. The second payment will be available no sooner than half way through an individual’s study tenure, or at a 6 month interval. Whichever is sooner. 

After carefully considering every application, the Scholarship Committee will select one successful applicant for the Emerging Talent Scholarship, one successful applicant for the Equality and Inclusion Scholarship, and 5 successful applicants for the Youth Empowerment Scholarship. 

Have a question not answered above? Get in touch.

If you have any questions relating to the Maple Scholarship Program, please reach out to us and someone from the team will be in touch soon. 

    How Maple Helps the Community.

    Supported Independent Living

    Core Supports

    Plan Management

    Disability Support

    NDIS Accommodation

    Support Coordination