Championing Inclusivity: Layla Sharp's Athletic Journey - Maple Services
Championing Inclusivity: Layla Sharp’s Athletic Journey

Championing Inclusivity: Layla Sharp’s Athletic Journey

Meet Layla, a remarkable young athlete whose determination and passion for sports have propelled her to excel in the world of athletics. Layla, who has a cognitive disability and vision impairment, is a proud ambassador with Maple and a dedicated member of Athletics NSW. Her journey is a testament to the power of resilience, community support, and self-belief.

Layla’s path has not been without its hurdles. She didn’t initially realise she had a vision impairment until she was older, and later she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP). Despite these challenges, Layla has never let her disabilities define her or limit her potential. Instead, she views them as unique aspects of her identity that have given her incredible opportunities, especially in the field of athletics.

In her own words, Layla shares, “I wouldn’t want to get rid of my disabilities or anything because they’ve given me so many things I can do, like athletics. I wouldn’t be where I am if I didn’t have the disabilities that I do, so in that way, I’m grateful for them.”

Layla emphasises the importance of perseverance and self-belief, particularly for young people with disabilities. She advises, “I wouldn’t let your disability define you. Make sure you try to achieve beyond what others believe you can do. At the end of the day, many people have negative connotations about disabilities. I try to fight everything they think I couldn’t do and make sure I can do it.”

The Role of Community and Support

Layla’s involvement with Athletics NSW and the support from Maple have been crucial in her athletic journey. These organisations provide the resources and community that help her navigate and overcome the barriers imposed by her disabilities. The growth in popularity and support for athletics since 2021 has created a more inclusive environment, making it possible for athletes like Layla to shine.

She reflects on this supportive community, saying, “It’s really good knowing there’s a community around it and that it’s grown a lot. There’s a lot more popularity around it since 2021, and it’s really improved.”

Inspiring Others and Advocating for Inclusivity

Layla’s story is not just about her achievements but also about her advocacy for inclusivity in sports. She encourages individuals with disabilities to pursue their passions with confidence, reassuring them that organizations like Maple and Athletics NSW are there to support them every step of the way.

Her message is clear: “Try your best, do what you can, learn from your mistakes, and know it’s all part of the process.”

Layla’s journey is a powerful reminder that with the right support and a resilient spirit, anything is possible. Her story inspires us all to look beyond disabilities and see the incredible potential within each individual. Through her achievements and advocacy, Layla continues to pave the way for a more inclusive and empowering world in athletics and beyond.