A fireside chat with Maple employees about their Mental Health experience with Maple. - Maple Services
A fireside chat with Maple employees about their Mental Health experience with Maple.

A fireside chat with Maple employees about their Mental Health experience with Maple.

10 October 2022 falls a significant day amongst the month-long initiative of Mental Health Awareness Day. As we celebrate World Mental Health Day on this day, we invite our very own Maple employees to a fireside chat discussing how Maple has been a support system for their own mental health. Meet Chloe, Renae and Laura!

Chloe is a valued Team Leader at Maple, managing a caseload of clients (majorly in Victoria and Melbourne) and a team of support workers. She is also involved in regular meetings with stakeholders, document management, and facilitating behaviour support plan trainings for relevant workers.

As an absolute gun in the Reports team, Renae’s role is to support participants behind the scenes. This involves accessing resources to ensure they are fully supported and assisted to achieve their goals and meet their overall wellbeing needs.

Laura is a natural as a SIL Team Leader, managing the day-to-day operations of supported independent living accommodations.

Maple Management Team attending a Mental Health First Aid training in the Maple head office.
Image: Maple Management Team attending the Mental Health First Aid training.

What are some practices you do to manage your Mental Health?

  • Engaging in extracurricular group activities outside of work.
  • Self-care activities: reading, walking my dog every day.
  • Exercising regularly.
  • Engaging in yoga practices frequently.

During your time with Maple, how have you felt supported with your Mental Health?

RENAE: Maple greatly supports the support workers in the field and their mental health by providing flexible working hours. When it comes to the needs of their employees such as changes wanting to be made, Maple listens with an open mind and continues to make arrangements to suit the worker’s needs.

CHLOE: Simply by organising fun activities both during and after work hours, such as the end of year celebrations and games nights! Maple has also provided training in Mental Health First Aid for all of management to assist others that may be struggling, as well as providing an EAP Line for all staff to easily access when needed.

LAURA: Maple has been incredibly understanding regarding working from home. They have been flexible and easy to communicate with when it comes to my needs and working from home. This has allowed me to stress less on multiple occasions.

Image: Women conversing at a cafe with coffee.

Share a time that Maple made you feel supported with your Mental Health.

LAURA: There was a time when I was feeling greatly overwhelmed in the workplace and my manager supported me throughout it all. I really value that, even as a newcomer, I never felt alone throughout this hard time.

CHLOE: As an interstate employee, I work from home and do not have access to the Maple head office in Western Sydney. At times, this can be isolating, which can affect my mental health. However, the team and executives check-in with me regularly, I noticed this was increased during a difficult time for me and I appreciated that extra assistance.

What has Maple offered to better their employee’s Mental Health?

CHLOE: Providing access to the Mental Health First Aid training for management makes Maple stand out as a provider that truly cares about their staff and client mental health. This training provided unique strategies on how to assist someone going through a crisis, and the correct approach to confront a work colleague that may be struggling in silence.

RENAE: Events for clients and support workers are greatly noteworthy as it allows the Maple workforce to socialise and improve their social wellbeing. By socialising with others in similar situations, it can positively improve someone’s mental wellbeing, emphasising that there are also others who may be struggling with similar feelings or obstacles in life.

Man meditating by the beach water
Image: Man meditating by the beach water.

If you could provide a tip on Mental Health, what would it be?

RENAE: Treat mental health like you would with physical health. When you’re injured or feel unwell you take time to recover, right? This should also be the case with mental health. When you feel as though you are having a not-so-good day mentally, take time to relax and provide self-care.

CHLOE: Take regular breaks and engage in activities you enjoy external to work hours. This could be something as small as taking a bath, meditating, or joining a sports team. I believe all of these create a balance throughout the week and help us to avoid burnout.

LAURA: Don’t forget to recharge and allow yourself time to do things you love. It’s easy to put enjoyable tasks or hobbies on the back burner as it is not a priority however allow time for yourself at least once a week.

Recommend a resource to better your Mental Health.