What disability support coordinators should look for in an NDIS provider - Maple Services
What disability support coordinators should look for in an NDIS provider

What disability support coordinators should look for in an NDIS provider

As NDIS service providers, we recognise that support coordinators are essential to the success of our business. They act as the bridge between our participants and the services they need and we need their help to reach our clients. 

A disability support coordinator should look for integrity, expertise, and professionalism in an NDIS provider. We want to convey to our support coordinators how we operate, what services we provide, what we specialise in, where we are located and how much experience we have in a legible and accessible way. 

At Maple, we always want the best care and support for our participants. Finding the right service providers for clients can be challenging, especially when essential information is not clearly communicated upfront. We’re going to look at what disability support coordinators should prioritise when selecting an NDIS provider, as well as effective strategies for service providers to engage with support coordinators. Ensuring they have all the right information and can make the best decisions for their clients.

What to look for in a Service Provider

As a support coordinator, you will view a service provider from the perspective of your client. You have already assessed what the client needs, what their preferences and goals are and you’re looking for a good fit, one that offers what they need in the right location, someone who knows what they’re doing and will make your client comfortable, happy and healthy.

When choosing an NDIS provider, support coordinators should consider:

  • Services offered – ensure that the provider offers a comprehensive range of services that address the specific needs of your client.
  • Service quality – Research the provider’s reputation, accreditation, and feedback from other clients to ensure they deliver high-quality support.
  • Location – Consider the provider’s proximity to your client’s residence or preferred area to ensure convenience and accessibility.
  • Participant-focused approach – Look for providers that prioritise participant empowerment and involvement in decision-making processes.
  • Cultural competency – Choose providers that demonstrate respect and sensitivity to diverse backgrounds, languages and cultures.
  • Accessibility – Confirm that the provider’s facilities and services are accessible to your clients.
  • Transparent pricing – Seek clarity on costs, funding arrangements and any additional fees upfront.
  • Efficient on-boarding – Opt for providers with a streamlined and hassle-free sign-up process.
  • Effective communication – Select providers that are responsive to enquiries and proactive in sharing information.
  • Continuity of care – Ensure that the provider demonstrates reliability and adaptability over time, offering consistent support to meet your clients evolving needs.

What are support coordinators looking for?

NDIS providers are holding essential support in our sphere, they could be an incredible array of services, with ample expertise and credibility. However, if they are not presented effectively to support coordinators, these services and support may never reach our clients.

Support coordinators are extremely busy people, they likely have many participants they are working with and will skim over emails or shiny brochures if they can. You’ll want to grab their attention with real usable information in the first instance so they can make informed decisions on the fly. So we need to hear from them what sort of information will get their attention.

How to approach support coordinators as a service provider

At Maple, we offer support coordination services and we’ve reached out to our team to collate information from them about what stands out to them when looking for service providers.

Your first impression counts and we are inundated with bold and colourful marketing at every turn in this day and age. It’s all well and good having a good-looking logo and fancy fonts but if it’s not easily readable with the right information then it’s likely to be tossed. 

At Maple, when we engage with support coordinators we make our outreach more effective by including the following:

  • Be personable – Avoid generic messages and show that we’re generally interested in working with them.
  • Address them by name – This demonstrates that we value them as an individual.
  • Research their website – Familiarise ourselves with their values, highlight how our services align with their needs.
  • Appeal to what they need – Outline our services and expertise clearly. Address specific pain points or challenges.
  • Include transparent pricing – We are upfront about our rates and any additional fees, such as travel expenses.
  • Include our location – To assure them that we are accessible to their clients.
  • Specify our geographic catchment area – The areas we serve, as well as local councils and regional areas.
  • Highlight qualifications and experience – This builds credibility and reassures our expertise.
  • Describe service delivery – Explain where we operate from and how accessible our services are. Include information about our facilities and amenities.
  • Communicate our availability – How quickly they can schedule an appointment or access our services.
  • Include accreditation – We mention our NDIS registration and specify the types of participants we specialise in supporting.
  • Provide contact details – We make it easy for the support coordinator to reach out to us.
  • Easy to read service agreement – We keep it less than 4 pages long and provide an Easy English version.

What makes Maple different from other NDIS service providers

  • Availability – Maple responds to support coordinators within 24 hours.
  • Expertise – We are a leading NDIS-registered provider of support services across the country.
  • Services – We provide a full scope of support services.
  • Communication – We pride ourselves on the strong communication and relationships we build with our clients and support coordinators.
  • Diversity – We have a diverse team of professionals that cater to people from all backgrounds.

Why support coordinators return to service providers

To encourage support coordinators to return to you with their clients, it’s important to invest time and effort in building strong, mutually beneficial relationships. By cultivating positive relationships based on trust, respect and collaboration, service providers can become the go-to choice for support coordinators when recommending services to their clients.

Make sure you consistently deliver high quality, client-centred services that exceed expectations. When support coordinators witness the positive impact of your services on their clients, they are more likely to return with future referrals.

Additionally, seek regular feedback from support coordinators about their experiences with your services and continually strive to improve and evolve based on their input. By demonstrating ongoing improvement you can build trust and strengthen your relationship with support coordinators over time.

If you’re looking for reputable, honest service providers who cover a wide geographical area, please reach out to our team today to find out more about how we can help your clients to reach their goals across Australia.